P-04-582  Much Needed Change to the Rules in our Schools with Regards to Head Lice and Nits

Petition Wording:

There needs to be a change in the rules with regards to Head Lice in school children. Currently school staff are not permitted to point out, even to the offending child’s parent, who it is in the class has Head Lice and a generic letter is just handed out. Why can’t a parent, whose child is visibly infected and infecting a class, be informed and asked to collect said child. This child should then be kept off school until they have been deemed clear by a member of staff to return as they do in some schools in the US! If a child vomits in school, they are sent home immediately. Head Lice are just as infectious and cause just as much distress to our children. This can be done discreetly, nobody has to know. Unless the parent themselves choose to share the information. It is not a violation of anybody’s human rights, if anything it would protect the children of us who are diligent and care, and subsequently spending a lot of money to treat our children to no avail!


Petition raised by: Marnie Hill 


Date Petition first considered by Committee: 23 September 2014


Number of signatures: 31